Coaching with Anne is your secret weapon to SUCCESS.

Glass-Ceiling Breaker, Heart-Tuner, Action-Maker: Empowering Women to Unlock Their Full Potential.



Unlock Your Full Potential.

At Milk + Honey Wellness Coaching we believe in empowering women to shatter the glass ceiling, tune their hearts, and become action-makers in their lives. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for women to flourish, discover their passions, and unlock their full potential.

Glass-Ceiling Breaker
As a glass-ceiling breaker, I understand the challenges and barriers that women face in their personal and professional lives. I am committed to equipping women with the tools and strategies to overcome these obstacles and reach new heights. Through personalized coaching sessions, I help women identify their strengths, cultivate self-confidence, and navigate the complexities of a male-dominated world.

I am heart-tuner who believes that true success comes from following one's passion and living a fulfilling life. Our coaching sessions go beyond mere personal + career goals and delve into the core of individual desires and aspirations. By uncovering what truly resonates with their hearts, I help women align their actions with their values and create a life that brings them joy and contentment. I seamlessly blend the wisdom of Eastern and Western traditions, harmonizing spirituality and science, tapping into the validated methodologies rooted in ancient spiritual practices and scientific principles.
I dedicate my efforts to nurture the whole person: mind, body, soul, and relationships.

Action-making is at the heart of my approach. I firmly believe that dreams are realized through intentional action. I guide women in setting strategic goals, creating step-by-step plans, and holding them accountable along their journey. With my support and guidance, women gain the courage and motivation needed to take bold actions, seize opportunities, and make proactive decisions that propel them forward.

3 Ways I Can Help You Right Now!

Individual Coaching

If you are ready strengthen your self concept + align your life with how you want to feel, this exclusive offering is geared towards 1:1 clients who are looking for individualized attention in order to achieve a deeper level of transformation.

If you’re wanting a more honest approach from a grounded individual in the world of self-help, some of my favorite topics to connect on are mindset and beliefs (how to actually change them), purpose, self support tool, boundaries, fear, mindfulness, lifestyle and behavior modifications to support our changing phases of life. Especially for the 40+ crowd to creating healthy + joyful habits to thrive in midlife.

Are you ready?

Meditation & Mindfulness

Modern life is challenging and if we lack the inner resources to control our mind, we will inevitably find life stressful and difficult to manage, giving rise to feelings of anxiety, irritation, even loneliness and depression.
Meditation is a transformative solution.

Enjoy private, one-on-one meditation sessions or group meditation classes with Anne a certified meditation & mindfulness guide - catered exactly to your needs.

Come and sit with me!

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